1879, August 6, Wednesday
Drove to Banbury taking Rosa. Called at Mr Henderson’s where Rosa stayed for the night.
Visited Mrs Pearce and Mrs Mawle.
Drove to Banbury taking Rosa. Called at Mr Henderson’s where Rosa stayed for the night.
Visited Mrs Pearce and Mrs Mawle.
Drove Harry to Banbury on way to Derby en route for Burlington where Annie and Maude are staying with Mr and Mrs Cooper and whither Harry is invited for a week or two. Brought Rosa home.
Visited School, Hannah Keene, Jane Haynes, John Padbury, John Prophett, Buckingham, Eli Webb, Edward Scruby, Ann Lines, Job Harris, John Hall, Widow Harris (not in), Mr Whale, Mrs Pearce.
Administered Holy Communion to Mrs Pearce, her husband and sisters, etc (Mrs Waite, Mrs Shelswell, Mrs Dix, Mr Pearce).
Visited Jarvis whose boy is better – it was not scarlatina but Rosaria that he had.
Visited School.
Misses Godson of Hook Norton and their little niece and a friend, Mrs Routh, Rev Mr Montagu and Rev Mr Atkinson came to tea and tennis. Doctor called in evening but could not stay.
Visited Mrs Pearce. Called at Ann Fox’s, found her sister Mrs George Harris there. Ann is staying with another married sister at Bromley in Kent. She is not yet quite right – cannot talk or manage business – but she is anxious to come back to Sibford and reopen her shop. Her friends wish to dissuade her until she is much better. I agree with them and asked Mrs Harris to tell her so.
Visited Sally Green (not in) and Thomas Sabin.
Visited both Sunday Schools this morning.
Visited Mrs Pearce after morning service. Dr Knight of London, late of Sibford was there and had had consultation with Routh about her. They give no hopes of her recovery. I did not see Mrs Pearce this morning but did this evening.
Visited Hannah Keene, John Padbury, W Reason, Goughs, Jarvis, David Hone and Mrs Bond (did not see the latter) but saw her niece who asked me for some wine for Emma Tarver who is very unwell.
Called at Miss Dix’s this evening. Miss Stevens was there, daughter of the late Vicar of Swalcliffe.
Mrs Way assisted with Penny Bank.
Visited Mrs Pearce and Thomas Wilks. Mary Wilks is bad again was “insensible” all last week, so her mother said. Called at Jarvis’s and David Hone’s.
Visited Mrs Pearce. Rev Mr Blythman Vicar of Shenington and Mrs Blythman came to see her this evening – as friends – Mrs Pearce having been for some time at Shenington where a sister lives.
Misses E and S Dix, with Miss Stevens late of Swalcliffe came to tea.
Walked to Mill Hill in evening, Called at Daniel Sabin’s.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.