1879, April 13, Sunday
Easter Day. Snow. 40 communicants at 8 am, 40 at mid-day celebration. Offertory £2.6.3 to Mr Woolgrove for church expenses.
Charles Barnes spoke to me about his desire for some increase in salary as Clerk and Sexton.
Easter Day. Snow. 40 communicants at 8 am, 40 at mid-day celebration. Offertory £2.6.3 to Mr Woolgrove for church expenses.
Charles Barnes spoke to me about his desire for some increase in salary as Clerk and Sexton.
Easter Monday. Divine Service at 9.15 am.
Vestry at 10.30. The only persons present were Mr Woolgrove, Frederick Inns, Charles Barnes and myself. Mr Hitchcox, my churchwarden not being present, the Vestry was adjourned to 7 pm on Friday.
Administered Holy Communion to following sick and friends: Job Harris, his wife and his mother, at Job Harris’s. At Widow Hannah Keene’s – Hannah Keene, Widow Reason, S. Gough, Mrs Eli Webb.
Visited Edward Scruby, Mrs Bond, John Reason and Mrs John Harris.
Job Harris’s mother complained that I never visited her – I told her I had frequently called at her house but found no one at home. She seemed inclined to doubt my having done so as she so seldom went out. I told her I kept an account of my visits and my book would remind me. I told her that the present I had sent her at Christmas might have been taken as an indication that I had not forgotten her and that persons who were well in health and able to get out should come to church and not expect a clergyman to waste his time in gossiping with them whilst there were so many sick to visit.
Easter Tuesday.
Administered Holy Communion to Ann Bond and her daughter Emma Tarver. I told the old woman that she must pray to God to give her patience and make her fit for heaven. “I do sir,” she replied, “and I shall pray more than ever now.”
Administered Holy Communion to Mrs John Harris, Mary Ann Harris and Dinah Coleman.
Went to Banbury, where I heard of the death of a man named Kirby who had been living in Sibford Ferris for some time working at hurdle making, earning a great deal of money and spending it all, mostly on drink. He lodged for a long time at Widow Reason’s, but left Sibford last Michaelmas owing her several weeks rent and money to the Baker, Butcher and others.
A tea meeting of members of the Sibford Lending Library was held in the School-room this evening. I was present and about 70 or 80 others.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.