Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1879, April 1, Tuesday 

Visited Richard and Edward Scruby. The former died in the evening.

Attended meeting of the Banbury Clerical Club for the first time – at Mr Back’s Banbury Vicarage at 12 noon. The Greek Text read and discussed was Galatians V 16 etc – “the works of the flesh.”

“Inis Indicabit?” was the other subject – alluding to the present position of our Bishop of Oxford. The Council of Queen’s Bench has issued a Mandamus calling on him to appoint a commission etc under Church Discipline Act of 1841 to enquire into the charges of illegal ritualism brought against Canon Carter Rector of Clewer by Dr Julius, a parishioner, supported by the funds of the “Church Association”. The Bishop appeared before the Court of Queen’s Bench in Person – and has now appealed to the Court of Appeal over which his brother-in-law Lord Coleridge presides. A vote of sympathy with the Bishop or of thanks to him for what he has done was proposed – but not formally – and nothing definite was done. There were 18 members present.

I called at Mr Henderson’s Christ Church Vicarage after the meeting – but both Mr and Mrs H were at Church. I saw Mrs Ford and “Miss Mary”.

1879, April 2, Wednesday 

Visited school and taught a class. Fetched Annie Martin from Mrs Shelswell’s this evening.

Received letter from Honourable Mrs Hamilton about Alice Holtom and replied that I thought she ought to receive her first communion on Easter Day.

1879, April 3, Thursday

Visited Job Harris who is still confined to his bed. I asked him whether he would not like to have the prayers of the congregation next Sunday – he replied he “didn’t know” – and when I pressed the matter he said people might think he was worse than he really was. I said what I thought right and left him.

Visited Edward Scruby and the Widow of Richard Scruby. Ann Lines was there – she told me her daughter Rhoda had come out of the Horton Infirmary. Her eye is better but not quite well.

Went to Banbury with Mrs S. Went to Savings’ Bank and opened accounts for Frank William Stevens and Mary Ann Lines of Sibford Ferris – the former for £2.14 , the latter for £1, transferred from Penny Bank account.

Service at 7 pm.

1879, April 4, Friday 

At home, with cold on chest and sore throat.

Dr and Mrs Routh and Rev George Montagu came to dinner.

Mr John Hitchcock Senior of Horley called this morning.

1879, April 6, Sunday

Wet. Cold better – but still I found it somewhat difficult to get through my duties with comfort.

Holy Communion small attendance, offertory 7/7. Small congregation this afternoon – Funeral of Richard Scruby. Members of Club to which he belonged attended.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.