1879, March 14, Friday
Clarkson Smith and his sisters came to tea and supper.
Visited school morning and afternoon.
Walked to Swalcliffe. Called on Mr Norris and Canon Payne. Arranged for Trustees Meeting at 2 pm on Monday 24th inst.
Clarkson Smith and his sisters came to tea and supper.
Visited school morning and afternoon.
Walked to Swalcliffe. Called on Mr Norris and Canon Payne. Arranged for Trustees Meeting at 2 pm on Monday 24th inst.
Received reply from War Office respecting Sergeant John Lines saying official list of killed, etc at Isandlwana had not been received and asking me to write again in a week or two if necessary.
Visited Charles Lines, Dr Routh, Job Harris, Widow Ann Lines, Dorcas Scruby, Richard Scruby, Mr Woolgrove. William Harris, late farmer and butcher; saw his wife who said she wanted to send 5 children to school but could not afford to pay more than 3d per week each. I said she might send them, and I would mention the matter to the trustees at their next meeting.
Visited Blacksmith Hathaway, Tailor Hall, Widow Harris (not at home) and Buckingham.
Taught in Boys’ Sunday School this afternoon.
Visited Sally Green and gave her 1/-.
Mrs Turner assisted with Penny Bank.
Held girls’ Confirmation Class in vestry at 3 pm and boys in schoolroom at 7.
Eliza Lamb called about her Son in Law Lovell and the Farm which he appears very anxious to have.
Went to Brailes to tea. Took Rosa, Annie Martin and Kirkland. Charades in the evening. Mr Smith has had cold and thinks he will not be able to preach for me next Thursday evening as he had promised.
Mrs Stevens and myself went to Blenheim Farm to call on Mr and Mrs Hitchcox and found him in bed with some kind of skin disease which was painful. He has been attended by Doctor since Sunday.
Visited Fardon’s daughter who wishes to gain admission to the Radcliffe Infirmary. I told her I could give her a letter – but Wednesday, not Saturday as she told Mrs Stevens, was the day for admission of in-patients.
The Church Bell tolled this morning for Thomas Aris who died in the Lunatic Asylum at Littlemore where he has been a patient for many years.
Drove Bell, Rosa and Annie Martin to Balscot and Wroxton. Called on Mr Izatt. Not at home.
Drove alone to Banbury.
Divine Service at 7 pm in Church. As Mr Smith did not come I did all the duty as usual.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.