1878, December 10, Tuesday
Started for Swalcliffe to pay Canon Payne the rent for the Loggin Land – but met him at top of Swalcliffe Hill coming here about the same matter. Walked and talked with him all the afternoon.
Started for Swalcliffe to pay Canon Payne the rent for the Loggin Land – but met him at top of Swalcliffe Hill coming here about the same matter. Walked and talked with him all the afternoon.
Mr Kirkland left for Dundee this morning. Webb drove him to Banbury.
Called at Mrs Mawle’s – she is somewhat better but I did not see her.
Buried Mr Haynes’s Baby. Weather very cold – I caught cold standing in Churchyard with only skull-cap on.
Divine Service in School at 6.30 this evening.
Meeting, which Mr Hiorns had thoughtlessly called for 7 o’clock, was held in School room at 7.30. I stated that as it was not a “vestry” I was not ex-officio Chairman – and they must therefore choose one. Mr R Lamb proposed me – I therefore took the chair. A good number of rate-payers present. I took the Award with me but as the place where the Bridle road in question was mentioned could not be found, Fred Inns offered to take Award home to read it through. I had an objection to its going out of the custody of self and Churchwardens – but did not press it as against Inns. However those present did not seem to like his having it. I therefore brought it away with me promising to find the reference if possible. Mr Hiorns arrived very late. Mr Hitchcox was there.
At home all day with a cold. Read the Award and found the passage required.
Still hard white frost. Many men unable to work.
Visited Widow William Keene – not at home.
Visited Mr Hiorns and showed him the passage in the Award – lent him my “Complete Lawyer” to show him the way in which Vestries should be summoned. He said he would leave the matter till after next Highway Board meeting.
Visited David Hone. Soldier Simmons was there – Miss Dix – Joseph Gibbs – Thomas Manning and Joseph who has been very unwell with severe headache the past week but is able to get out. He looks ill.
Visited W. Coleman and George Messenger from latter of whom I got a good deal of information about the old names of places in the parish. He says he is 90 years of age, but I don’t think it.
Visited Richard Haines, Widow Hannah Keene and John Padbury.
Sent 2/6 coal money by Mrs Stevens to each of the following, viz Widow Hancock, Ezekiel Hancock, Widow Hathaway, S Gough, Widow Hannah Keene, John Padbury and Joshua Lines. Gave 2/- to Richard Haines’s wife, 1/- to Ann Haines, 1/- to George Messenger and 1/- to Joseph Gibbs.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.