1878, November 29, Friday
Visited School. Drove to Brailes. Attended lecture on Telephone and Microphone at the Friends’ School.
Visited School. Drove to Brailes. Attended lecture on Telephone and Microphone at the Friends’ School.
Received from Banbury School Attendance Committee order for insertion of names and ages of a number of children in Child’s School Book.
St Andrew’s Day. Morning Service at 9.15.
Canon Payne called, but I was out.
Holy Communion. Devoted Offertories morning and afternoon to Church warming – the amount £1. I handed to Mr Woolgrove.
Visted Miss Dix.
Spoke to Widow William Keen who tells me the Guardians have allowed her 2/- a week.
Visited school. Called on William Holland’s wife about age of her eldest bastard child.
Took Penny Bank (Mrs Turner helping). Visited Mr Hitchcox. He was not at home, but Mrs H was.
The Sibford Benefit Club held their Quarterly Meeting in School room this evening. It appears they have been in the habit of providing a pint of beer for each member on those occasions – each paying his share whether he drank it or not. This evening, I hear, the teetotal members proposed the abolition of this rule or custom. They were defeated by a not very large majority. They took the beer, however, and going out into the road poured it all on to the ground.
No one came to deposit in the Penny Bank this evening.
The sale of Larch trees by Mr Fowler Auctioneer of Banbury took place at the Heath today. Anna Wilks came and asked me to fill up an application to the Board of Guardians for relief for her daughter Mary who has had two or three more fits.
Joshua Lamb, son of Richard Lamb called for Rates of £1. 10. for Loggin Land. He told me that the Total Abstinence members of the Sibford Benefit Club wished me to write a letter to the Secretary in support of their views which might be read at the next meeting. I told him they should come and ask me themselves.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.