Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1877, November 25, Sunday 

Taught in Sunday School. Attended choir practice this evening.

Mrs Elley shewed me some needlework and knitting (according to New Code) done by girls in school. It seemed very good indeed. I told her to price it all at value of material allowing for waste, etc and sell it to parents of children giving preference as regards the makers. The bill for material amounts to a little over 30/-.

1877, November 26, Monday

Called on Miss Dix. Gave her 23/- for that number of girls who had put into her Sunday School Clothing Club. Gave her also 10/- for material for her sewing class at Sibford Ferris.

Visited Martha Spicer at Anna Wilks’s. Her face is very much bruised.

Visited also Mrs Ellis, James Barnes who had another fainting fit on Saturday. He is somewhat better but is too weak to to pull a thread in making pair of slippers.

Visited Hester Green (née Holtom) who asked me whether she might belong to Clothing Club. I said I would consider the matter.

Elizabeth Dale called at Vicarage for her ticket.

1877, November 28, Wednesday

Visited school. Library case is finished except staining and varnishing.

Visited Thomas Padbury at Colony and reminded him that his allotment rent was 2 months overdue and that he must in future pay me on rent night. He said he would call and pay it in a week or 10 days.


  • Jane Legge
  • Humphrey Sabin who seems very unwell with a chest complaint.
  • Ann Paine who has removed to Miss Somerton’s in late Mr Dix’s old house.
  • Edward Fox’s wife
  • John Coleman’s – gave her an order for pair of boots for her youngest son who is apprenticed to Mr Fox for 4 years. She asked for calico also, but I had none to give her and told her I did not think the Feoffees could continue giving flannel and calico whenever asked for it.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.