Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1877, June 23, Saturday 

J. Horsman the mason called. I paid him £2.3.1, for repairing the wall at the bottom of the Church Close. He says my predecessors always paid for it and that it is usual for the landlord to do so. I am not satisfied, however.

1877, June 24, Sunday

Visited Boys’ Sunday School this morning.

Mr Elley hurt his knee in getting down from my carriage on Friday evening and was consequently unable to attend church.

Visited Widow Keene, Widow Hathaway, A. and W. Gough and Mr Josiah Woolgrove.

Called on Michael Woolgrove who asked me to accept 2/6 as a subscription to the Lending Library. He said he could afford it.

Gave notice of offertories next Sunday for purposes of Sunday School.

1877, June 25, Monday 

Visited Mr Sims the Quaker.

Mr Ellis, who was asleep therefore I did not see him, but his wife said he had taken nothing all yesterday and was unconscious most of his time.

Visited James Barnes who was in bed and appeared very weak.

Visited Mrs Gibbs who was lying on a sort of couch downstairs and said she was very ill.

1877, June 27, Wednesday

Finished hay making at the “Slinket”. There is said to be 2 tons well got up.

I have employed

  • B Messenger, mowing: 8s.
  • ditto, carting: 3s. 6d.
  • Widows Young and Robinson, 5½ days at 1/6, 8s. 3d.

?Superintended? by Percival Webb to whom I gave 3/- as a present.

Mr Herbert called and paid me his rent to Lady-day last. He charged me £6 per ton for hay and 5/- per week for mare in his field 4 weeks, although I understood when last I spoke to him that I was to have the “bite” in the orchard. We have now arranged that he is to have permission to turn sheep or cattle into the “Slinket” and I am to send the mare into the home fields.

1877, June 28, Thursday 

Mrs Ezra Green’s mother came for wine. She says her daughter who is in the family way has cut herself with the spar of a chair.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.