1874, March 25, Wednesday
Took duty at New College for Macray. Dined at New College. Chapel closed for Morning Service till Saturday April 18th at 7.30am. Mrs Sendall called. Rosa returned from Heywood.
Took duty at New College for Macray. Dined at New College. Chapel closed for Morning Service till Saturday April 18th at 7.30am. Mrs Sendall called. Rosa returned from Heywood.
Rev W Hawker Hughes came in evening. Arranged with him for publication of “Handy Classics” afterwards called “Analytical Classical Series“. We are to share work, expenses and profits equally and publish on our own account.
de Trafford left. Hill, of Littlemore, and his sister lunched with us. Duty at New College in evening.
Palm Sunday. At Sandford. Prince Leopold and his private secretary, Mr Collins, attended Divine Service morning and afternoon taking luncheon in our room at school house between services with Mr and Mrs Lee, Miss Whittinck (Collins’s fiancée) and myself. Collins is son of a Berkshire clergyman and first cousin to Mrs Lee. In his late office of tutor to the Prince, he was successor of Canon Duckworth. The prince and his party also attended New College chapel this evening when I took the duty.
Rev Carteret J Fletcher asked me to preach for him next Sunday morning. New College chapel was closed last evening till Saturday April 18 except Easter Eve and Easter Day.
Drove to Sandford. Took Rosa with me.
Bell went to Cheltenham.
Good Friday. I preached this afternoon. Mr Lee read prayers. In afternoon I read prayers. No sermon.
Easter day. I preached at Carfax for Rev C J Fletcher the Rector and assisted him at Celebration. I believe there were some 200 communicants. I took all the duty at Sandford this afternoon.
Mrs Braddell came and brought her elder son Thomas, recommended by Rev Mr Daniel Senior fellow and Bursar of Worcester. Thomas Braddell entered on residence today, at 120 guineas.
Bell returned home.
Drove Rosa to Sandford and Baldon.
Rev S. P. Hill of Littlemore called this afternoon.
Attended private business meeting at Union this evening when vote of censure on Mr Gould, late President, was proposed, but defeated.
Walked to Marston.
Drove to Sandford. Took Bell.
Resumed duty at New College this evening. Received letter from Mr Braddell.
Duty at New College at 8, 12 and 5. Preached at Sandford in afternoon.
Macray undertook my duty at New College and got Leonard to do it for him. Drove to Sandford and took Mr Hill for a drive through Baldon, etc.
Called on the President of St John’s about Johns’ matriculation. Johns went out at 9.30 this evening and did not return till all had gone to bed. I was out at Jesus College.
Longmans sent me a copy of Hole’s new book “The Young Christian Armed”. Leonard undertook my duty at New and Macray did it. Mr and Mrs Julius Sankey called.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.