1873, October 9, Thursday
Paid Mr Taylor organist for my one lesson in chanting and my “exam” as to voice. He charged a guinea.
Called on Mr Wilson and Mr Wright this evening. Attended evening service at New College Chapel.
Paid Mr Taylor organist for my one lesson in chanting and my “exam” as to voice. He charged a guinea.
Called on Mr Wilson and Mr Wright this evening. Attended evening service at New College Chapel.
Bell and I went to service at New College Chapel this evening.
Commenced my duties at New College Chapel.
Walked to Sandford after mid-day service at New College. Very wet.
Tickets for Union Society’s Banquet.
Mr Lee called.
Lieutenant de Trafford, 14th Regiment, called to see his brother.
The Secretary of the Japanese Legation in London called and asked me whether I would take “Tats Iwakura” son of the Prime Minister of Japan into my house as a pupil. He said the young man had been at Brighton and elsewhere where he had too much liberty. I expressed my willingness to receive him on condition of his cheerful submission to the mild discipline of my house. The Secretary was a very gentlemanly man who spoke English perfectly.
Hutton went up to Queen’s for Matriculation and passed. “Tats Iwakura” called.
Called on Mr Kitchen and Mr Ward. Went to Queen’s College with Mr Hutton. I don’t think it likely that “Tats” will submit to discipline.
Hutton entered Queen’s.
Mr Leonard called this evening.
“Union Jubilee Banquet”. Many old members present. Tickets 25/-. I got no dinner worth mentioning. All was very badly managed.
Went to Ruridecanal Chapter at Cuddesdon College.
Mr McNeill of Christ Church called this morning. Mr Johns senior called at 10.30 this evening.
Gave Johns and de Trafford leave to dine out and go to theatre afterwards. I resumed duties at New College this evening; very hoarse, but no sore throat.
Joannes domum aliquanto ebrius revenit undecima hora. Trafforduis revenit dimidia hora ante undecimam.
Johns returned home somewhat drunk at the eleventh hour. de Trafford returned half an hour before the eleventh.
Swift McNeill and Charles Gibson came to lunch.
Joannes et Traffordius ad opus non reverterunt ante nonam et dimidiam. Joannes dormiebat quum studere deberet donec undecimam horam posteaque.
Johns and de Trafford did not return to work before half past nine. Johns was sleeping when he was supposed to be studying until after 11 o’clock.
I wrote to them both, telling them they must not be out at night at all, in accordance with my agreement with their parents.
I gave Johns leave to go to a concert this evening.
Bell and I called on Mr and Mrs Taylor (organist at New), Threlfall, Banbury Road.
Met York-Powell in McNeil’s rooms this evening.
Johns was out to breakfast this morning.
Drove Bell through Islip and Marston. Off duty at New College this evening.
Boy lost his life in paperchase at Rossall.
Stevens’s son Harry was at Rossall School in Lancashire.
Rev F A Wilson and his wife and daughter came this evening, also Miss Gibson and Miss Jones.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.