1873, October 1, Wednesday
Drove Bell to Sandford. Diocesan Conference commenced.
Drove Bell to Sandford. Diocesan Conference commenced.
Buried T Woods at Sandford.
Mr Lee gave me permission to take duty at Standlake next Sunday. Rev Mr Leonard one of my fellow chaplains called. Visited Rev F A Wilson this evening.
Rev J D Macray, Rector of Ducklington and one of my fellow chaplains called and asked me to take duty at New College for him tomorrow evening, as he was obliged to be at Ducklington. I told him I did not want to take my first service in Chapel on Sunday night as it would be crowded, but I would willingly drive on from Standlake to Ducklington and take his service there. He was very grateful.
Drove to Standlake and took morning and afternoon duty for the Rector, Mr West, and old Magdalene Chaplain, who is in very feeble health. Drove on to Ducklington and took evening service for Mr Macray. Stayed the night there, with a cat in my room to keep the rats in order.
Did not accept Mr Macray’s offer of a fee for helping him last night. Returned to Oxford.
Received letter from Mr de Trafford that his son would leave me for an army tutor at Christmas next.
Drove to Sandford. Bell accompanied me. Wrote to Mr de Trafford and asked him to recall terms of agreement between us. Called on Mr and Mrs Lee.
Paid Mr Taylor organist for my one lesson in chanting and my “exam” as to voice. He charged a guinea.
Called on Mr Wilson and Mr Wright this evening. Attended evening service at New College Chapel.
Bell and I went to service at New College Chapel this evening.
Commenced my duties at New College Chapel.
Walked to Sandford after mid-day service at New College. Very wet.
Tickets for Union Society’s Banquet.
Mr Lee called.
Lieutenant de Trafford, 14th Regiment, called to see his brother.
The Secretary of the Japanese Legation in London called and asked me whether I would take “Tats Iwakura” son of the Prime Minister of Japan into my house as a pupil. He said the young man had been at Brighton and elsewhere where he had too much liberty. I expressed my willingness to receive him on condition of his cheerful submission to the mild discipline of my house. The Secretary was a very gentlemanly man who spoke English perfectly.
Hutton went up to Queen’s for Matriculation and passed. “Tats Iwakura” called.
Called on Mr Kitchen and Mr Ward. Went to Queen’s College with Mr Hutton. I don’t think it likely that “Tats” will submit to discipline.
Hutton entered Queen’s.
Mr Leonard called this evening.
“Union Jubilee Banquet”. Many old members present. Tickets 25/-. I got no dinner worth mentioning. All was very badly managed.
Went to Ruridecanal Chapter at Cuddesdon College.
Mr McNeill of Christ Church called this morning. Mr Johns senior called at 10.30 this evening.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.