1872, October 17, Thursday
Bell was taken unwell whilst in the town, so I brought her home in a cab.
Bell was taken unwell whilst in the town, so I brought her home in a cab.
Harry Morgan of Bristol called. I drove Bell to Hinksey.
Dined with Mr Lee. Professor (Savilian Astronomy) Pritchard, known as the “Heavenly Body” on account of his rotundity, and Rev W Kitching of Sandford were also there as Mr Lee’s guests.
Bella habuit mισκαρριαγ.
Starts in Latin and ends with Greek letters spelling an English word: “Bell had a miscarriage.”
Drove to Sandford. took presents of tea, sugar, etc from Bell to the poor old folk.
Went to Bristol on W.B. Morgan’s business. Stayed at the Cloisters. Morgan’s creditors accepted 3/4 in the £ to be paid 6 weeks from now. I never had a penny, but surrendered my claim for his benefit. I fancy the lawyer got it all. John Hancock called at Morgan’s this evening. He is head of Colston’s School, Stapleton.
Returned from Bristol. Called on Mr Galpin. He was engaged. I waited some time and then left.
Took all duty at Sandford, Mr Lee being away. Julius Sankey came to see maid servant Ελλυν Γρην who was in ιστηρια.
Greek letters used for English words “Ellen Green who was in hysteria”.
Wrote Mr Daniel about History School which I fear I must give up reading for. Called on Galpin about rent. Dover, from whom I took the house has failed and it has come into the hands of a timber dealer Barrett at Cowley Road.
Drove Bell to Summertown.
Drove Bell to Sandford.
Harry at home with headache and deafness of one ear. He says one or two bigger boys are in the habit of striking him on the head very violently.
Harry still at home with headache etc. I wrote to Dr Hill, his headmaster about it.
Harry returned to school with note to Dr Hill.
Drove to Sandford.
Drove to Sandford. Charles Gibson accompanied me. Rev Mr and Mrs Fletcher called.
Attended Ruridecanal Chapter at Dr Warburton’s Iffley Rectory.
Mr Chamberlain sent me a brace of prize partridges.
Preached extempore for first time this afternoon. Held on for 35 minutes. Dined with Mr Lee and Dr Ward at New College.
Rev V Green Vicar of Littlemore called. Set exam papers on English History for Mr Hurst’s School at Littlemore and sent it to be printed at Vincent’s, High Street. Drove to Sandford. Took Gibson.
Bell and I called on Rev C Fletcher, Rector of Carfax, and Mrs Fletcher, 2 Park Crescent. Not at home.
Spent the evening with York Powell, Cull, etc at Ashby’s of Merton.
Received from Longmans, account of G.L.B. to June 30, last. The balance due to me is £290.1.6.
Went to Birmingham “Onion Fair” and cattle show on the invitation of Mr W Hutton of Ward End Hall, he kindly entertained me.
Went to Dog show at Birmingham with Mr Hutton and family. returned to Oxford this evening.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.