Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1872, October 28, Monday 

Wrote Mr Daniel about History School which I fear I must give up reading for. Called on Galpin about rent. Dover, from whom I took the house has failed and it has come into the hands of a timber dealer Barrett at Cowley Road.

1872, November 4, Monday

Harry at home with headache and deafness of one ear. He says one or two bigger boys are in the habit of striking him on the head very violently.

1872, November 24, Sunday

Preached extempore for first time this afternoon. Held on for 35 minutes. Dined with Mr Lee and Dr Ward at New College.

1872, November 27, Wednesday

Rev V Green Vicar of Littlemore called. Set exam papers on English History for Mr Hurst’s School at Littlemore and sent it to be printed at Vincent’s, High Street. Drove to Sandford. Took Gibson.

1872, December 18, Wednesday

Called on Mr J Arwall new neighbour, next door, who is new postmaster of Oxford. Called on Morgan of Worcester, no. 3 St Giles.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.