1872, August 21, Wednesday
Drove to Sandford. Took Rosa.
Drove to Sandford. Took Rosa.
Drove to Sandford. Charles Gibson accompanied me.
Bell returned from Cheltenham.
Resumed work at Sandford. Mr Lee invited me to dine at New College this evening which I did.
Received copies of U.K.S.ii.iii Boys’ and Girls'(?) from Longmans.
Drove to Sandford.
Sermon for C.M.S. at Sandford. Rev N. Macdonald, a missionary, preached. Collections morning 19/9½, afternoon 2/2½. Mr Lee is away for his holiday.
Mr Chamberlain came, accompanied by his son. I dined with them at Clarendon Hotel.
Received cheque from Longmans for £6, money advanced to Rev W. E. Coghlan for lessons in U.K.S.
Drove to Sandford. Rev Mr Hill, Chaplain of Littlemore Asylum, called.
Mr Thomas Brown came on a short visit this evening.
Mr Brown left at 5.8 pm.
Took duty at Littlemore Asylum this morning in exchange with Mr Hill. Lunched with Mr Sankey, the Superintendent.
Drove to Sandford. The toll collector at St Clement’s demanded 2d. on my returning as I had Mr Herbert Jackson with me.
Harry’s Birthday, age 13 years.
Mr Lee is back. Took all duty at Littlemore Church this morning for Mr Vernon Green, the Vicar.
The toll collector at St Clement’s gate returned me the 2d. he illegally charged me last Wednesday with an apology.
Rosa went to Ryde, to school at Miss Moore’s. Bell accompanied her.
Took supper at Rev F. A. Wilson’s.
Drove to Sandford. Took Charles Gibson. Rev F. A. Wilson and Mrs Wilson called this evening.
Took duty at Ducklington and Cokethorpe for Mr Macray. Took Harry with me. Lunched with Mrs Strickland, Cokethorpe Park.
Bell returned from Ryde. Harry commenced as a day pupil at Magdalene College School. Admission fee £3.
Overend sent me £5 returned loan.
Drove to Sandford.
Mr William Hutton senior came. Took luncheon and tea.
Bell went to Cheltenham.
Dined with Mr E. R. Owen “our doctor”. Mr Sankey of Littlemore Asylum was there, also his brother Julius who has just joined Owen as partner, and Mr Briscoe, surgeon.
Drove to Sandford. Ordered mahogany table of Bridgewater to cost £12.12.0 solid, pianoforte legs. Called at Queen’s College and told Mr McGrath the tutor that William Hutton was too unwell to present himself for examination tomorrow.
W. Hutton went home.
Mrs Lound 125 Marina, St Leonard’s from whom I had received a letter on Wednesday about her son called quite unexpectedly, and promised to send him to me next week. She took tea with us, and I walked down to the Randolph Hotel to introduce her, that she might stay the night there.
Bell returned from Cheltenham unwell.
Dined at New College with Mr Lee.
Drove to Sandford. Received note from Mr Lound saying that his wife had had no authority from him to make arrangements with me respecting his son and that he was going elsewhere.
Bell was taken unwell whilst in the town, so I brought her home in a cab.
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.