Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1871, December 1, Friday 

Mrs Young, wife of my friend Rev John Young, late fellow of Durham and now undergraduate of Balliol and residing at 5 New Inn Hall Street, died yesterday of consumption.

Lent J G Overend by cheque £10.

1871, December 10, Sunday 

Walked to my duties at Sandford. Prince of Wales dangerously ill of typhoid fever at Sandringham. Dined with Mr Lee at New College this evening.

1871, December 26, Tuesday

Rain. Mountain and I called on Charles Eve. Miss Carr (Mountain’s cousin) and Mr Lewin, her “young man” came to dinner.

1871, December 27, Wednesday

Read prayers, morning and evening, at St John’s East Dulwich for Mr Elliot the Vicar. Took children etc to Drury Lane pantomime this afternoon. Supped with Mr Elliot and his choir.

1872, January 3, Wednesday

Went to Ipswich to marry my cousin Emma Howe to Lieutenant J. Hales Dutton, R.N. Arrived at 2.20pm. Called on Mr Abbott, Mrs Wells, Rev A. Synge (Rector of St Peter’s) and Mrs Cooper. The two latter were not at home.

1872, January 4, Thursday

Married Emma Louise Howe to Lieutenant Dutton, at St Peter’s Church. Rev Alexander H. Synge. the Rector, assisted.

1872, January 5, Friday

Called on Aunt Cooper with Aunt Emma. Uncle J. P. Howe and I took supper at C. Wood’s who married my cousin Kate Cooper.

1872, January 21, Sunday

Cab to Sandford. Mr Lee and I lunched with Mr John Martin, one of the churchwardens. Mr Lee and I happened to preach from same text. He in morning, I in afternoon.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.