Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1871, March 2, Thursday

Wrote to Bishop of Oxford (Mackarness) asking permission to offer myself as a candidate for Deacon’s Orders after taking my degree which I hope to do in June next.

1871, May 25, Thursday

Went to London and stayed with Mr Thomas Brown, Bushey Villa, Burton Road, Stockwell. Called on Mr Estall this evening.

1871, June 9, Friday

Viva Voce for Literae humaniores. Professor Rogers complimented me on my papers all round. All my exams for Degree are now passed 2 years 9 months since matriculation. The only tutor or lecturer I have had in any of the subjects has been Mr Sargent of Magdalene whose class for Latin Prose I attended for 2 or 3 terms at £1.1 per term of about 2 hours a week.

1871, June 11, Sunday

Wingate dined and took tea with us. Took Bell, Rosa and Harry to “Show Sunday” in the Broad Walk this evening.

1871, June 16, Friday

Called on Rev. Lancelot I. Lee, Bursar of New College and Vicar of Sandford on Thames respecting curacy on recommendation of Rev. G. W. Kitchin, Censor of Christ Church and ??”Nonascripts”??.

1871, June 19, Monday

Rosa went on visit to Mrs Harris at Northfleet. Wrote to Canon Gordon of Elsfield respecting curacy of Marston.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.