Village Pond
Sibtord Gower Parish Council recently made contact with The Ponds Conservation Trust with a view to seeking advice regarding the village pond and on 8th July 2004 a visit was received from Dr Pascale Nicolet, a Freshwater Ecologist. She met by the pond with representatives from the Pond Committee and the Parish Council together with other interested parties. She asked what was sought and she was given to understand that we were looking not only to making the pond visually attractive but also to enhance the aspects of pondlife. Dr Nicolet said that she would return shortly and make a detailed study of the pond and then provide her written recommendations for consideration. She made the point that only recommended water plants should be installed and highlighted the fact that there are plants already in the pond which should not be there and ought to be removed as their impact is not at all beneficial. So, whatever the very kind thoughts and intent of residents may be, it is important that plants and pondlife should not be put into the pond. The Parish Council and the Pond Committee will carefully weigh up, in due course, Dr Nicolet‘s views and consider a planting programme under her guidance.
The Ponds Conservation Trust has a website which those with the availability may wish to access and it is
Once more. an appeal is made that vehicles should not be parked on the verge to the pond. They divert from the beauty of the area which is well visited and so. drivers, please find alternative parking spaces especially in the cases where availability is known to exist.