Successful Summer Ball
Nearly 140 people attended the Summer Ball in the Village Hall and grounds which, despite a slightly chilly evening, proved to be an enjoyable and successful event. The Millennium Pageant Committee are indebted to the very many people who helped ensure the success of the evening. It was a remarkable feat to turn the marquee from a Flower Shower into the setting for a candle-lit supper in under two hours. The surprise entertainment – a scene from the forthcoming Pageant, was very successful and a great deal of effort went into rehearsals and staging.
The next of a number of planned fundraising events is a Bridge Evening on Saturday 28th November in Sibford Village Hall – 6.30pm for 6.45pm. The cost will be £7.50 including supper at the beginning of the evening. Please Contact Judy Abbott for further details.
A subscription list in aid of the Pageant will open on 1st October. Cheques should be made payable to the Sibford Millennium Pageant and sent to the Hon. Treasurer, Vera Jones. Further and up to date information can be found on the Sibford Web Site www:/