The Great Blue Peter Bring and Buy Sale
We have organised a Bring and Buy sale to be held in the Village Hall on Saturday 14th of this month between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Many of you see the Blue Peter programme on T. V. and will know that the target for this year’s effort is £500,000 to provide 4 bungalows, 50 electric cars for disabled adults and 2 neonatal intensive care incubators for new born babies.
There are different things we need: cakes; prizes, large and small suitable for a long-running tombola; raffle prizes; good white elephants. These should either be brought to the Rectory during the early part of the month, or to the Hall on the day itself. May I stress that we don’t want “jumble” on this occasion – but things which are in good condition. The sort of things we could use are good toys, games and surplus Christmas presents.
The more help we can get on the day, the better as well. I would stress that this is not in any way a church-organised event merely that my children urged me to do something about it. Let’s have a really super occasion, and let’s try and make as much money as we possibly can – this will need your generous co-operation.
Timothy Wimbush