Footpath notes from the Gower Parish Council
Footpath Clearance
This has been arranged for the evening of Wednesday 4th June. In the past we have relied heavily on help from the Friends’ School. This year, please let us have good support from all villagers. The more helpers, the greater amount of trimming and tidying can be done.
Please meet at 7 p.m. outside Wyatts Close (by the phone kiosk) with any suitable cutting, clipping or clearing tools.
Footpath use
Several reports have been received that footpaths in the village are being used by horses and riders. Fouling 0f the path behind Shepherds Close is causing concern as this path is used regularly by many villagers going to the surgery.
Parents are also reminded that children, whether riding horses or bicycles, should not ride on village footpaths. The Parish Council will take action if people are seen or reported to them. Please help us to avoid any unnecessary accidents on our village paths.
D-I-Y footpath
The Council are undertaking a self-help footpath scheme to provide a safe walk-way from the Village Hall round to Jessamine Cottage. Our thanks are due to all who are helping to make this improvement possible.