Stevens 1886-02-15
Taught in School this morning.
Mr Mann who is Way Warden came to me and asked me to look at a place in Church Close which wanted draining because a footpath in adjoining field belonging to Major Goddard, and tenanted by Lewis Poulton, was almost always wet. He seemed to think that I was legally responsible for the water in Major Goddard’s field because there was a small place in mine which wanted draining. I showed him the absurdity of such a notion, but at the same time said that as a neighbour etc I was quite willing to set a good example, and if he, as Way Warden, would get the matter done to his satisfaction, I would pay the cost.
Visited John Barnes’s wife, who is ill, and administered to her and her daughter and Mrs S. the Holy Communion.
Visited D. Hone and Widow James Barnes.