(October 2003) Suggestions sought for use of land on the east side of Hawk’s Lane

In 2002. Sibford Gower Parish Council received a bequest under the terms of the will of the late Miriam Tebbs. She generously left to the Council the plot of land which is located to the front of the house in which she lived with the wish that it should be for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the village. Miriam Tebbs purposely had the land created into a sanctuary for wildlife and, consequently, it was overgrown to the extent that entry into the plot was quite impossible. Last year, the Parish Council arranged for the undergrowth to be cut back to ascertain the potential usage but already the land is once more very overgrown. Already situated on the land was a wooden bench and a plaque commemorating Miriam Tebbs’ bequest has been affixed to it. The Parish Council invites residents of the village to put forward suggestions and thoughts as what would best serve to fulfil Miriam Tebbs’ wish that the land should provide enjoyment. To this end, the Parish Councillors would welcome readers’ views and the Clerk to the Parish Council (Peter Hardman Tel: 780xxx) stands ready to receive them or the Councillors may be contacted direct.