(April 2016) Paul Hobson
In mourning Paul’s passing, I have been thinking about all he has done for the village during the 17 years we were blessed to have him amongst us. He and Margaret completely changed the environment for us, initially allowing us to use the field for the Millennium Pageant, which fitted so beautifully into such a fantastic setting. Once that was over he started creating a glorious woodland. It is a great sadness that he will never see its full glory, but it is already a very special place. Having created it, he then shared it with us all: “Why would I want to keep it to myself?” he replied when I mentioned this to him.
Around it Paul planted and tended a hedge – a proper mixed hedge just as our forefathers would have planted, it even contains a burnet rose. Then, all the trees, planted and tended so lovingly, and the flowers: snowdrops, crocus, primroses and daffodils in the Spring, then the massed bluebells. Fritillaries have appeared more recently,and if the land remains unspoiled they will spread into an amazing display in the late Spring.
All this is on our doorstep and can be walked every day. Thank you, Paul. Very few people can leave such an outstanding memorial and we shall remember you with affection and gratitude.
Judith Weeks