(June 1979) Best kept village
At the recent Gower Annual Parish Meeting, villagers expressed their concern at the general level of tidiness in the village, and special mention was made of certain blackspots. These comments strongly endorsed the views held by the Parish Council for some time, that some villagers were not helping to maintain and preserve the overall attractiveness of our village.
Can we, therefore, ask you all to stand back and look afresh at your own patch. Ignore the familiarity of the surroundings and see what sort of view you present to your neighbours and visitors.
Comment was also made on the dumping of unwanted garden and building rubbish along the highway or on the verges. Please do not let us have any more reports of this untidy habit.
A tidier, litter free village will be of greater enjoyment to everyone, villagers and visitors alike.
David Soden (Chairman)