Stevens 1886-03-05
Buried John Watts Ainge, aged 33.
Visited School. Only 60 children present, owing to the snow.
The Farm Committee consisting of Messrs Woolgrove, George Hall and Richard Page went over the farm with me to see what work was necessary to be done by the Trustees for Jesse Bishop who entered an occupation of the whole Farm last Michaelmas.
They returned here to tea at 5 o’clock, and at 7 we went up to the Schoolroom to receive, according to Notice under the Allotments Extension Act, applications for portions of the Fuel Land (10 acres) which Elijah Hancox wishes to give up. We let this in portions but no one cared to have any of the reserved furze field which we offered them for nothing till Michaelmas next and a rental of 2/6 an acre rising one or two shillings a year afterwards.