Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, July 16, Monday 

Showery, breezy and cool. W Barnes’s wife called and asked whether I could let her have out of the Penny Bank the money the trustees had put in for her little girl. I said the Trustees made a rule that the money they put in was to remain. In the Penny Bank till the child was old enough to leave School. I was ready to give her what the child had put in, but as that was only about 2/- out of 7/-, she preferred not to draw it. They had been buying a pig and laid out all their money and now the child wants a pair of boots.

Miss Sottick and I walked round Pound Lane and “Pig & Whistle” this evening. Talked with Esau Tarver who was feeding his cattle by the road-side

1894, July 17, Tuesday 

Cloudy all day, but little or no rain. Walked round Pound Lane, Pig & Whistle, the Elm and Sibford Ferris with Miss Sottick this evening. Called on Mrs John Shelswell and saw her and Miss Bessie Shelswell.

1894, July 18, Wednesday 

Cloudy with one or two slight showers. Walk round Pound lane and Pig and Whistle with Miss Sottick this evening. Attended and presided at Flower Show Committee meeting.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.