The Tale of an Ending
The March edition of the Scene included a poem transcribed from the Book of Hours written in 1851 by the 13-year-old Sarah Dix. I challenged readers to write a suitable ending, using the same literary style, to compete the history of the Kings and Queens of England to date. The original poem ended at the beginning of the reign of King George III. Here is one suggestion for your amusement: –
George Third is remembered for being quite mad
But disease in his kidneys made them quite bad.
His son, fourth George was Regent at first
but when he was crowned, his behaviour was worse.Chorus: Thus barring all bother, the one and the other
All came to be Kings in their turn.King William the Fourth, last Hanoverian monarch,
A ‘Sailor King’ he oft’ slept in a hammock.
An Irish actress gave him ten children
But he left them all to do a King’s bidding.
Chorus: …Queen Victoria, just eighteen when she was crowned
Her long reign for industrial revolution was renowned.
Her son Bertie was our seventh King Edward
But after nine years his soul was bound heav’nward.
Chorus: …Fifth George, cousin to the murdered Tsar
Was King of our country through the First World War.
The next king, never crowned, was Edward Eight
But his love for a woman made him abdicate.
Chorus: …His brother George Six, married Elizabeth Bowes Lyon
Who, thro’ World War Two the nation relied on.
Young Princess Elizabeth married her handsome Greek Prince
and has been our Second Elizabeth ever since.
Chorus: And may her son’s sons to the end of the chapter,
All come to be Kings in their turn.
Maureen Hicks