Sibford Scene Archive

Sibford Scene 238 November 2001

Click on the cover image to download the complete edition


Tree Planting Ceremony

A group of people standing in front of a crowd posing for the cameraOver 168 people were present on Sunday 23rd September, when Lady McLintock, the High Sheriff’ of Oxfordshire, unveiled a stone plinth, buried a time capsule and ceremoniously planted the Yew tree on the Pageant site.

The time capsule contained a copy of the pageant video, a CD of the original music together with tracks of both schools’ songs, copies of the pageant accounts, the final production script with notes and cues, a pageant tea-towel and the glossy book produced of the Millennium panels. Other small items were also included to fill up the space. The stone, Yew tree, engraving and all other associated costs have been paid for from the surplus from the Pageant production.

If anyone would like a copy of the photograph taken for the Sibford Society archives, these can be obtained from Keith Hicks and are available at £3.00 each for a print 10mm x 250mm.

Green's Extravaganza

We celebrated 40 years of the shop, as we know it today on Saturday 13 October 2001 by a party held in the shop. Mrs Rosemary Green and her 2 sons joined us for the afternoon.

Everyone appeared to enjoy the memories which were stirred, and we all learnt something new about the history of the shop. Old friendships were rekindled and stories of old times were heard wherever you were in the shop. The weather was kind and the party spilled out onto the road.

Mrs Green was kept busy with the cutting of the 40th Birthday Cake and posing for numerous photographs, not forgetting the judging of the Children’s Painting Competition, the results are below:

  5 years and Under 6 -10 years
1st Amy Spackman Megan Gilkes
2nd Clinton Brown Will Spackman
3rd Toby Seely Vivienne Wymer-Hoad

Congratulations to the winners above and thank you to all the children who took the time to paint or draw the shop.

Oxfordshire Village Shop of the Year 2001

No doubt by now you have all heard that we have been honoured with the above award.

Our thanks go to everyone who wrote nominating the stores for this accolade and the achievement is one tor the village and not simply for the shop. It is you the customers who have made the shop worthy of this award by giving us your support and involvement.

We would like to thank everyone for the letters sent nominating the shop and for the many kind and thoughtful comments made over the past few weeks. We will do all we can to ensure that the honour is well deserved and will strive to improve the shop and its services over the coming months.

Terry and Judith

Above, you may see one or two items of historical interest from this edition. To see the whole edition, click on the front-page image to download it as a pdf.