Tree Planting Ceremony
Over 168 people were present on Sunday 23rd September, when Lady McLintock, the High Sheriff’ of Oxfordshire, unveiled a stone plinth, buried a time capsule and ceremoniously planted the Yew tree on the Pageant site.
The time capsule contained a copy of the pageant video, a CD of the original music together with tracks of both schools’ songs, copies of the pageant accounts, the final production script with notes and cues, a pageant tea-towel and the glossy book produced of the Millennium panels. Other small items were also included to fill up the space. The stone, Yew tree, engraving and all other associated costs have been paid for from the surplus from the Pageant production.
If anyone would like a copy of the photograph taken for the Sibford Society archives, these can be obtained from Keith Hicks and are available at £3.00 each for a print 10mm x 250mm.