Sibford Ferris Playarea Group
It was about 1985 when it was decided that a playarea was needed for all the local children. After many months of fund raising a generous donations from local people and grants etc. the playarea was formed.
Now after many years of support from the parish council and local families, whose children were much younger then, the support is lacking. The group is therefore asking whether there are any interested members of the villages that would be willing to help keep the playarea alive!
Sibford Ferris Parish Council have agreed to take the group under its wing, but will still need financial support from the group itself.
This would involve organising a couple of events a year i.e. jumble sales, sponsored swims/walks etc. to help keep the playarea funds in the black!
If you feel you could help support this much needed facility, please contact the groups chairman Bernie Jones. Thank you.