Holy Trinity Church News
A very successful Bridge Drive took place in the Village School on 8th November in which 64 players took part. A huge tea for then was arranged by Tina Frith and many helpers and over £400 was raised for church funds. This was the third in the series generously organised by Norah Barth to whom the church is greatly indebted.
A small gathering of the combined Benefice choirs from Sibford and Broughton sang at the service to mark the 1600th anniversary of St Martin of Tours in St Martin’s church at Shutford at which the preacher was Rev Michael Belham.
An anonymous gift has been received by the church in the form of new hymnbooks “Hymns Old and New”. This is a book which combines the best of “Hymns Ancient and Modern” and contains many of the more truly modern hymns which have become popular over recent years. In this we are following the example of Shutford parish.
A meeting of the Church Council was held on 3rd November. Perhaps the most significant natter discussed was the decision to instruct the architect to go ahead with outline plans for the renewal of the church roof and ceiling, decorations and other necessary repairs as well as for plans to make the church a little more “child friendly”. All this work will cost a very large sun of money for the church to raise and an enormous challenge. It is hoped that if funds allow, work will be started in the summer of 1999 and be finished by the end of that year; perhaps a fitting testimonial to the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Our Lord.
It was also reported to the meeting that an offer to provide lifts to church services had been taken up for one parishioner. It is hoped that if there are any other villagers who would appreciate a regular or occasional lift to church, would they please contact Roger Powell who has kindly agreed to act as Parish Transport organiser.
Apologies are due to Jean Puddle who was the organist at our Harvest Festival and not Jean Nash who played at another service at that tine. We have recently been helped out by Sandra Taggart, a recent newcomer in Burdrop who teaches piano locally. We are immensely grateful to all these ladies who help out in this way also of course to Mark Paine who plays at so many family services (and preaches too) and of course to our hard pressed Rector who is also prepared to dash up and down the organ loft stairs to play and take the service as well.