Sibford Scene Archive

Sibford Scene 200 November 1996

Click on the cover image to download the complete edition

Text, letter

Readers and contributors please note!

In celebration of the fact that this is the double deci-millennial issue of the Scene, all our staff are being awarded two days unpaid special Leave, on 25 & 26 December.

Consequently, there will be no separate issue of the Scene for January 1997; details of events in January should be provided for publication by Tuesday 19 November.


Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir

Following your request for assistance in the September Scene I would like to offer to produce ‘The Scene’ on a bi-monthly basis. I would, however, like the freedom to produce a different sort of magazine.

While maintaining the key function of promoting events & meetings through the events‘ calendar, I would like to encourage the organisations who regularly contribute to ‘The Scene’ to put forward longer items about their activities. I would take as possible examples the Horticultural Society who could, perhaps, write a topical gardening page and the Sibfords Society who I hope would put forward an article of historical interest, or about their on-going projects, on a bi-monthly basis.

Reactions to this proposal would be much appreciated

Yours sincerely,
Adrian Lamb

[Sounds good to me – what do others think? Ed]

Above, you may see one or two items of historical interest from this edition. To see the whole edition, click on the front-page image to download it as a pdf.