Flowers stolen at Village Hall

Ginny Bennett spent many hours over recent days preparing and planting two tubs of flowers outside the Village Hall entrance. Much to her distress she discovered this morning (Thursday 11 July) that, overnight, all 30 new plants had been removed. A couple of days earlier three sacks of compost purchased for the new tubs were stolen from the rear of the hall and had to be replaced. She writes: “It is sad to think that this has happened in our village. The Village Hall is a wonderful facility and we are trying to keep it nice.”
The Village Hall Trustees are taking this very seriously. They ask everyone to keep a lookout and report anything suspicious to the Village Hall Trustees. Our Village Hall is a marvellous community benefit used by a large number of people and organisations. It’s sad to think that we need to be vigilant to stop more damage to the hall and its fabric.
If you can supply any information relating to the thefts, or other vandalism in the neighbourhood of the Hall, please contact David Gill, Chair of the Trustees, at davidgill46