Rise & Fall of Civilisations reading list and video

Ivan Tyrell’s stimulating talk on The Rise and Fall of Civilisations generated much discussion among Sibford folk in the days following. Here is a list of the books he mentioned, should you wish to learn more about the topics covered, and a one hour video of the entire talk and questions.
Ibn Khaldûn: Muqaddimah
Jim Penman: Biohistory
Sir John Glubb: The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival
Iain McGilchrist: The Master and His Emissary, The Matter With Things
Edward T. Hall: Beyond Culture
William Ophuls: Immoderate Greatness
Books by Ivan Tyrell and Joe Griffin:
- Human Givens: the new approach to emotional health and clear thinking
- How to lift depression … fast
- An Idea in Practice: Using the human givens approach
- Release from Anger: Practical help for controlling unreasonable rage
- Godhead: The Brain’s Big Bang – the explosive origin of creativity, mysticism and mental illness
- Listening to Idries Shah: how understanding grows
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