Does “Davenport-Jones” or “Grassways” ring a bell?

Updated Fri 25 August: Many thanks to those who have responded to the request below. We now know that Dr Davenport-Jones was an anaesthetist at the Horton in Banbury and lived at Crossways (not Grassways), now known as Carter’s Yard. According to the present owners, the D-Js were very good gardeners.
Tim writes: I have received the following enquiry: “I’m researching an old Aston Martin and believe one of the owners was a Doctor I Davenport Jones and around the 1950/1960 he was living at north Grassways Sibford Gower just looking for any basic information about him, such as was he the local doctor? or the old Aston Martin”.
I have sent the enquirer a copy of the 1957 Village Hall souvenir booklet, in which Dr Davenport-Jones is listed as Treasurer of the Horti. But I can find no other mention of him, nor of a “Grassways” residence.
If you can provide some information, please let me know at and I will pass it on, anonymously.