Sibfords History Society – Visit to Kelmscott Manor

The History Society writes: This week is your last chance to join our coach trip to Kelmscott Manor on Wednesday 2 August. Near Lechlade, this is the recently renovated family home of William Morris (1834 -1896) the poet, designer, craftsman and radical socialist who was much influenced by his country residence and its surroundings.
The coach will leave Sibford Village Hall at 11.45am, returning by about 6pm. Tickets are £40 per person, which includes
- Coach
- Light refreshments on arrival
- Introductory talk
- Guided tour of the Manor
- Cream tea
Our group will be the only visitors that afternoon.
We need to be sure of the numbers by Friday 30 June, so please let a committee member know as soon as possible if you intend to come. Diana on 01295 788 214 and David on 01295 788 242 are waiting for your call! Alternatively, send email to shs