Mulberry Bush school

Julie Lynn-Evans and Sue Bannister write: We would like to thank everyone who contributed to our fundraising event at the village hall on November 30 in aid of the Mulberry Bush School at Standlake which raised £11,735 for the school after doubling by The Big Give to whom we also made a donation. Primarily we would like to thank Martin Fiennes who spoke wonderfully about Broughton Castle, its history and what it means to him and his family. We are also most grateful to all those who attended the talk, made delicious canapés, gave generous donations, sponsored wine and helped us that evening. Martin and his brother William donated copies of The Music Room which sold very well. It was a great community effort. In a message, the fund raising team of the residential school which cares for severely traumatised young children expressed their thanks to everyone involved:
“I wanted to thank you all for all your efforts and a truly magnificent result, which really helped us towards our target as part of this year’s Big Give Christmas Challenge (we raised an amazing £35k+ in a week, which goes towards our school house refurbishment fund).”