Village Hall Defibrillator

Sibford Gower Parish Council has decided to fit a new door on the Village Hall defibrillator so that no access code is required to open it, following the advice and guidance on the Resuscitation Council website which states that defibrillator units should not be locked if possible.
This will make accessing the unit much simpler and, more importantly, quicker in an emergency. Having an unlocked door will also negate the need to contact the Ambulance Service with the potential issues of a sketchy mobile phone signal in that area of the village.
However, it does mean that the unit is more vulnerable to damage or theft. Please let our Parish Clerk know if you see any unusual activity with the cabinet.
The unit is regularly checked by the Parish Council and, if it is deemed necessary, the lockable door can be re-fitted.
Please look out for training courses on how to use the defibrillator unit being run between the Sibford Gower and Sibford Ferris councils, which will be published from time to time.