April – Flowers and Showers

Meet the Rapeseed crop in Furlong Field
by Woodway’s ancient road.
It’s a stunning tapestry of floral gold
and its abundant flowers are no mere crowd.
They are a highly cultivated lot
stemming from deep roots in History,
their nature changed through time.
Safe attributes bred in. Toxicity bred out.
In this locality it seems,
their seed-selves were not bothered by cold soil.
They’ve grown up quickly
like they couldn’t wait for Spring to arrive.
They’re a jostling yellow crowd with their
four-petalled flower covered spikes,
showing off their glory in this late April field.
Especially to what flies above.
Planes, bees, butterflies. Camera shutters!
These flowers are like faces in this photograph
where a background of tree lines make a frame.
What they want though, is above them
in the fluffed grey clouded sky,
to which they seem to reach up hopefully.
Not for sunshine, but to welcome down
the showers of April rain.
Jo the Po
Photo by Andrew Tindsley: Brassica Napus. Rapeseed in full flower alongside Woodway Road.
This poem was inspired by the April photograph in the 2022 Sibfords Calendar. The calendar was produced in the village as the result of a photo competition in aid of church funds, and is available at the church in return for a donation of your choosing.