
A gander called Goose
had his own little hoose.
A hut very close to the lane.
He would watch who went by
with his beady goose eye
and honk when the postman came.
There can’t be a grander gander,
though he has a damaged wing.
In the day he is quite free to wander
in his field of black sheep where he’s king.
But high status can’t stop him from wishing
that a girl-goose might land in the spring!
Jo the Po
Photo by Andrew Tindsley: Safe and secure. A wonderful shed provides a great winter home for a local goose. Part of Suneday Smallholding.
This poem was inspired by the March photograph in the 2022 Sibfords Calendar. The calendar was produced in the village as the result of a photo competition in aid of church funds, and is available for £6 in the church, the village shop and The Wykham Arms.