Superfast broadband rollout is “complete”

The Parish Councils have received bulletins (attached below) from the Better Broadband for Oxfordshire programme to “confirm that our Better Broadband for Oxfordshire programme has completed its rollout of superfast broadband across Oxfordshire!”
The covering email says:
Whilst we are underway with additional projects to deliver full fibre broadband across the county, this briefing summarises the key successes of ‘Better Broadband.’ The tailored update provides coverage statistics for Sibford ***** Parish Council and also shares key information relating to the significant achievements and background of ‘Better Broadband for Oxfordshire.’ The update also provides key information on how to get superfast broadband; our collaborative approach across the county; makes reference to key strategies and informs of our current delivery programme, ‘Businesses in Rural Oxfordshire.’
Some points to note (in my opinion – Tim):
- Superfast broadband means connection speeds between 24 and 80 Mbps.
- Those who live outside the village boundaries will know only too well that by “complete” they mean “5% still without superfast broadband”.
- On the coverage map, all the orange dots within village boundaries should be green, as all have had access to superfast broadband for 3 years or more.
- If you are hoping for speeds of up to 330Mbps via Gfast technology, as referred to on page 3 of the bulletin, don’t hold your breath. According to thinkbroadband we are not in an FTTP (fibre to the home) enabled area, so Gfast is not available, and there is no indication in the bulletins of when it may be.