Be ready for a Utility Failure this winter

What is the Priority Service?
You can’t always predict when an emergency situation may cause a disruption to your utility provision. If you register for the priority service register with your local supplier, they will do their utmost to prevent your supply from going off and, if it does, make sure that your service returns as a matter of urgency, providing additional support if necessary in the meantime.
Depending on your provider, extra assistance may include:
- Hot drinks and food
- Charging points
- Generators
- Delivery of bottled water to your home
- Temporary heating and cooking appliances.
Are You Eligible?
If you receive a state pension, are disabled or have a child under the age of 5, then you may benefit from joining the utility priority care registers.
If you rely on one or more of the following, you will also be eligible to join:
- Home dialysis machine
- Oxygen concentrator
- Artificial ventilator
- Stair lift
- Adjustable bed.
If you are eligible and would like to register for the priority service, contact your provider(s) using the following contact details (for Sibford residents):
Water provider: Thames Water
Phone: 0845 641 0068
Text phone: 0845 7200 899
Electricity provider: Western Power Distribution
Phone: 0845 724 0240
Text phone: 0845 601 2318 (or use Text Relay)
Information taken from a leaflet published by Oxfordshire County Council Emergency Planning Team.
01865 323 765