Sibford Gower Parish Council Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held in Sibford Gower Endowed Primary School on 16th May 2016

Parish Cllrs Peter Abbott,  Mrs Susan Bannister, Oswyn Murray (Chairman) and Alan Parkin.

Twelve Local Residents and the Clerk.

Apologies were received from Cllr Gilian Soden.

Minutes: Proposed by Cllr Abbott and seconded by Cllr Bannister, the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th January 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising
There were no matters arising that were not discussed during the course of the Meeting.

Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Proposed by Cllr Abbott and seconded by Cllr Bannister it was resolved that Cllr  Murray  be re-elected as Chairman.

Proposed by Cllr Parkin and seconded by Cllr Bannister it was resolved that Cllr Abbott be re-elected as Vice Chairman.

Chairman’s Report
The chairman reported that in future meetings would follow the proper legal procedure: there would be no interventions from the public unless authorised by the full Council, and all major items for discussion would be published on the agenda beforehand; after the meeting there would be opportunity for the public to express their views.

Public transport – A reduced bus service will be provided from 6th June by Johnsons; a timetable will be available shortly.

Miriam Tebbs land – Clearance had been completed and planting of apple trees is imminent.

Financial Matters
The Members of the Parish Council acknowledged their responsibility for ensuring that there is a sound system of internal control and that this was exercised during the financial year.

The Annual Financial Return for the year ended 31st March 2016 was approved and signed by the |Chairman. The Clerk was instructed to convey the Parish Council’s thanks and appreciation to Mr David Soden for once again carrying out the role of Internal Auditor.

`Proposed by Cllr Abbott and seconded by Cllr Bannister, it was resolved that cheques set out in Appx A, all duly  signed  at the time of issue, be given retrospective sanction.

Planning Matters
Since the previous Parish Council Meeting, five planning applications had been considered and five decisions received from Cherwell District Council. These are set out in Appx B.

 A draft letter on the poor state of the roads prepared by a local expert would be sent to OCC. The PC is meeting with OCC about the danger to children of the dropped curb at the crossroads in the village centre, and will attempt to reconcile this with the needs of wheelchair users.

Bishop Blaize
An objection to the ACV has been dismissed by Cherwell, and it was agreed to write to Cherwell inquiring about possible breaches of Planning Law. The procedure for the public meeting on June 20th was discussed. This meeting will seek to ascertain the wishes of the villages, and explore ways forward. A successful community purchase may use the Bishop Blaize not necessarily or wholly as a pub, as long as it is “a non-ancillary use of the Asset which will further (whether or not in the same way) the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community”. The main questions to be addressed are:

Do you wish to see the public house reopen, and in what form? What alternative or additional uses do you suggest? Should it be regarded as a Village Hub or Centre as much as a pub? The following uses have already been suggested: coffee shop, clubhouse, parcel collection service, facility for the elderly, centre for youth work, art centre, micro-brewery, bakery, hub for holiday activities such as biking, pony treking, holiday lets.

How do you wish the existing interests of village institutions (Village Hall, Fielding Centre, village shop, Wykham Arms) to be protected?

Would you be willing to join a planning group to produce a Business Plan? How can such a scheme be financed, both for capital purchase and for running costs?

Millennium Field
After the generous offer of Margaret Hobson the Town Estate Charity has agreed to acquire the Millennium Field for the use of the community. The PC agreed to organise and pay for half the cost of the maintenance of the field paths and hedgerow. Profound thanks were expressed on behalf of the community to the late Paul Hobson, who had created and cared for this major enhancement of village facilities over the past seventeen years, and to Margaret Hobson and  the Town Estate Charity.

Village Green
The PC unanimously agreed the following statement of fact:  The residents of the Old Vicarage were granted a licence to plant by Oxfordshire County Council in 1994 and have had the legal right to do so ever since. Oxfordshire Highways have twice inspected the area and have found no cause to revoke the licence. The Parish Council supports their decision and will not be discussing the matter again.

Review of Councillors’ Interests, Risk Assessment and Assets
It was confirmed that there had been no changes.

Date of Next Meeting
This will be on Tuesday, 6th September starting at 8pm in the Staff Room of the Primary School.

There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked all present for attending and closed the Meeting at 8.50pm.

After the Meeting the Members of the Public raised a number of questions which will be considered by the Parish Council.


Appx A to Minutes of APC Meeting – 16th May 2016

Cheques issued

Chq No. 243 dated 18.01.16 £100.00 – donation to Sibford Gower Endowed Primary School
Chq No. 244 dated 18.01.16 £150.00 – donation to Sibford Scene
Chq No. 245 dated 18.01.16 £400.00 – Grant to Sibford Village Hall
Chq No. 246 dated 19.02.16 £133.07 – Subscription to OALC
Chq No. 247 dated 08.02.16 £55.00 – Membership CFO
Chq No. 248  Cancelled
Chq No. 249 dated 19.03.16 £5.99 – Sibford Ferris PC  – share of cost re The Sibfords Webside    
Chq No. 250 dated 22.03.16 £670.0 – N R Prickett – maintenance of M Tebbs’ land
Chq No. 251 dated 02.04.16 £123.60 – Thomas Fox Landscaping – Maintence C’Yd & B’Ground
Chq No. 252 dated 25.04.16 £31.50 – Sibford Village Hall – Hire of Village Hall
Chq No. 253 dated 27 04.16 £368.14 – Aon UK Ltd – Insurance premium
Chq No. 254 dated 29.04.16 £247.20 – Thomas Fox Landscaping – Maintenance C’Yd & B’Ground


Appx B to Minutes of APC Meeting – 16th May 2016

Planning Applications

Since the previous Meeting, the following planning applications had been considered:-

No. 15/01693/F   Muddle Barn Farm, Colony Road, Sibford Gower                            Mr & Mrs G Besterman    
Demolition of an existing dwelling and a range of large scale equestrian buildings and the erection of a replacement dwelling associated works and landscaping (resubmission of 14/02157/F)

No. 16/00080/F   Yew Tree House, Main Street, Sibford Gower                              Mr & Mrs Roger Mallows
Proposed extension, renovation, internal alterations, external alterations and alterations to garden wall

No. 16/00573/F   3 Sycamore Close, Sibford Gower                                                               Mr & Mrs J Levell
Single Storey rear extension (revised scheme of 15/01138/F) 

No. 16/00156/DISC  Barn West Of Blenheim Farm, Shutford Road, Sibford Ferris   Mr & Mrs John Taylor
Discharge condition 1 (car parking provision) of 15/01916/Q56Insufficient information to be able to comment

No. 16/00157/DISC  Barn West Of Blenheim Farm, Shutford Road, Sibford Ferris   Mr & Mrs John Taylor
Discharge condition 1 (car parking provision) of 15/01824/Q56
Insufficient information to be able to comment


Decisions Received
Since the previous Meeting, the following decisions had been received:-

No. 15/02229/F   Thurlestone House, Backside Lane, Sibford Gower                             Mr & Mrs S Godman
New stone and oak framed porch with feature oak doors, existing garage re-roofed, new single storey flat roofed extension forming a new sun room and the removal of an existing plastic roof to the rear of the property, to be replaced with a flat roof and a glazed lantern

No. 16/00008/TCA             Friends Meeting House, Temple Mill Road, Sibford Gower                               F Cookson
1 x Copper Beech – Remove large branch overhanging neighbours property; Bramley Close, causing excessive shade over part of garden

No. 15/02280/F`  Haynes Barn, Colony Road, Sibford Gower                                   Mr & Mrs A Finding
Change of use of  barn to dwelling (revised scheme to 13/00930/F) and erection of agricultural barn

No. 16/00080/F   Yew Tree House, Main Street, Sibford Gower                              Mr & Mrs R Mallows
Alterations and erection of single and two storey extension and alterations to garden wall

No. 16/00081/LB Yew Tree House, Main Street, Sibford Gower                             Mr & Mrs R Mallows
Proposed extension, renovation, internal alterations, external alterations and alterations to garden wall