Minutes of the Sibford Gower Annual Parish Council Meeting held in Sibford Gower Endowed Primary School on 20th April 2015

20th April 2015

Parish Cllrs Mrs Susan Bannister, Oswyn Murray (Chairman) and Mrs Gilian Soden, Two Local Electors and the Clerk.

Apologies were received from Cllr sPeter Abbott and Alan Parkin

Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Proposed by Cllr Gilian Soden and seconded by Cllr Susan Bannister, it was resolved that Cllr Oswyn Murray be re-elected at Chairman.

Proposed by Cllr Susan Bannister and seconded by Cllr Gilian Soden it was resolved that Cllr Peter Abbott be re-elected as Vice Chairman.

It was proposed by Cllr Gilian Soden and seconded by Cllr Susan Bannister that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th January 2015 be approved as a correct record and they were then signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising
There were no matters arising that were not discussed during the course of the Meeting.

Chairman’s Report
Miriam Tebbs’ Land: The Chairman proposed, and it was agreed, that a small committee be formed to carry forward work to be carried out to enhance council would have to be involved.

Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had nothing specific upon which to report.

Review of Councillors’ Interests, Risk Assessment and Assets
It was confirmed that there had been no changes.

Financial Matters
The Members of the Parish Council acknowledged their responsibility for ensuring that there is a sound system of internal control and that this was exercised during the financial year.

Proposed by Cllr Gilian Soden and seconded by Cllr Susan Bannister it was resolved that cheques set out in Appx A, all duly signed at the time of issue, be given retrospective sanction.

Planning Matters
Since the previous Parish Council Meeting, five planning applications had been considered and three decisions received from Cherwell District Council. These are set out in Appx B.

The planning application in respect of Muddle Bank Farm had been withdrawn but the Chairman expressed the view that this will not be the end of the matter.

Highway Matters
All matters that required attention were dealt with at the Annual Parish Meeting on 15th April 2015.

Footpath Matters
Concern was expressed about the footpath which runs from Main Street to Backside Lane where metal sheeting at one point has been installed to hold back the verge and which is starting to slide towards the path and could be a possible hazard. The Clerk was instructed to look into the situation.

Cllr Susan Bannister spoke on general footpath matters and the Ramblers Association is of assistance in reporting to the authorities any matters where remedial work re markings etc is required.

Village Pond
The Clerk reported that a letter had been received from the Principal Solicitor, Oxfordshire County Council advising that he intends to recommend to the Council’s Planning & Regulation Committee that the Parish Council’s application to register the Village Pond as a new Town or Village Green be refused on the basis that little evidence has been provided that the pond has been used for lawful sports and pastimes as required by the Commons Act 2006. The Chairman said that the Parish Council will strongly question his decision and a letter to this end will be composed.

Other Matters
No other matters were raised.

Public Participation
No matters were raised

Date of Next Meeting
The next Meetings will be in July and October with the actual dates to be advised in due course.

There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked all present for attending and closed the Meeting at 8.40pm


The Appendices are available upon request from the Clerk.
(Tel: 01295 780391 Email: hardman214@btinternet.com)