Minutes of the Sibford Gower and Burdrop Parish Council Meeting – 21st March 2012

Parish Councillors Oswyn Murray (Chairman), Alan Parkin and Mrs Gilian Soden. County and eight local residents

Apologies were received from Cllrs Peter Abbott who had a previously arranged holiday and Roger Alder who was unwell.

Minutes of the previous Meeting on 17th January 2012
Proposed by Cllr Alan Parkin and seconded by Cllr Oswyn Murray, the Minutes of the previous Meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising
Bishop Blaize: The Chairman reported that Cherwell District Council had issued an Enforcement Notice and an appeal had been lodged. It was agreed to give authority to the Chairman and the Clerk to consult with other interested parties on a possible submission to the public inquiry.

Parish Liaison (Ferris and Gower): The matter will be on the agenda of the next Ferris PC Meeting

Bonds End Lane
Nick Watson (Oxfordshire Highways) phoned 20th Jan to say that he would call to inspect the road surface to see if there are any safety issues but the road condition is not scheduled to be checked until next year. The road is on a low priority list. A check was subsequently made and the worst holes were patched.

Chairman’s Report
The Chairman said with regard to the matter of the Boundary Commission, decisions are still awaited but he did not expect the comments of the Parish Council to be noticed.

Sibfords Community Plan
Mrs Sue Mattinson brought the Meeting up to date in respect of progress made so far and  News 9: March 2012 is in course of being delivered to all households.

Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had nothing to report other than matters referred to later in the Meeting

Proposed by Cllr Gilian Soden and seconded by Cllr Alan Parkin, sanction was given for the following payments:-

Cheque No. 148 £210.16 dated 21.03.12 in favour of P B Hardman being reimbursement of cost of stationery etc.

Cheque No. 146  £67.00 dated 06.02.11 in favour of Sibford Ferris PC being a share of the fees received from J & M Humphris for the placing of memorial stones on the graves of the late Eileen Haynes and Vernon Redgrave. (Retrospectively)

Cheque No. 147 £133.07 dated 24.02.12 in favour of OALC being the subscription for 2012/2013 (Retrospectively)

Cheque No. 149  £33.50 dated 07.03.12 in favour of Sibford Ferris PC being a share of the fees received from J & M Humphris for the placing of a memorial stone on the grave of the late Leslie Summerell (Retrospectively)

Annual Parish Meeting
This will take place on Friday, 25th May 2012 and the Clerk is to arrange the booking of the Gower School’s Main Hall and extend invitations to appropriate parties and speakers.

Planning Matters
Since the previous Meeting, consideration and approval were given to the following applications:-

No. 12/00020/TCA Myrtle Cottage, Bonds End Lane, Sibford Gower   V Tong
T1 x Yew – Reduce height to 10ft

No. 12/00140/F  22 High Meadow, Sibford Gower   Mr & Mrs R Morbey
Single storey front extension and replacement roof to existing rear extension

No. 12/00141/F  Heath Barn, Sibford Gower   The Town Estate Charity
Conversion of barn to dwelling
Cllr Oswyn Murray was not involved with the Parish Council’s decision because he is a Trustee of The Town Estate Charity

The following decisions had been received from Cherwell District Council:-

No. 11/01866/F  Birch Hill, Burdrop   C Radcliffe
Side Extension
Permission for Development subject to conditions

No. 12/00020/TCA Myrtle Cottage, Bonds End Lane, Sibford Gower   V Tong
T1 x Yew – Reduce height to 10ft
Consent granted

No. 12/00140/F  22 High Meadow, Sibford Gower   Mr & Mrs R Morbey
Single storey front extension and replacement roof to existing rear extension
Permission for development subject to conditions

Conservation Area
The exhibition and public meeting organised by Cherwell District Council in the village hall which took place on  21st February 2012 in respect of the Sibford Ferris, Sibford Gower and Burdrop Conservation Area Appraisal were well attended and local residents’ views were expressed. The outcome is awaited.

A letter from local resident, Mrs Mollie Mulley, had been received by the Parish Council setting out her views. It had been hoped that she would have been at the Meeting. The Clerk undertook to speak with her.

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
Details had been received from Cherwell District Council that Parish Councils are invited to apply for grants of up to £500 towards local community events to celebrate the Jubilee. Muriel Chandler present at the Meeting and representing the Village Hall Committee asked whether the Parish Council would take advantage of this and financially support the Village Hall Committee in what it is hoping to arrange for the enjoyment of residents of Burdrop, the Ferris and the Gower. A similar approach is being made to Sibford Ferris Parish Council. The Clerk is to take matters forward with all interested parties in the completion of the grant application.

Highway Matters
Notification had been received from Oxfordshire County Council of the closure for up to seven working days to facilitate footway maintenance work between Burdrop and Sibford Ferris (Mannings Hill). Notices  and appropriate traffic signs will be put in place.

Mr Tony More, present at the Meeting, reported on the current position in gathering information to put together a bid for funds to have our exchange area upgraded to Superfast Broadband

Annual Spring Clean
This will take place on Saturday, 5th May 2012 and volunteers are sought to give an hour or so of their time to help with the work of clearing litter from where it may have gathered in Burdrop and Sibford Gower. We will meet at Sibford Village Hall at 10.00am when Cllr Peter Abbott will allocate the areas which require attention. Notices will be displayed and the event advertised in the next issue of the Sibford Scene.

Public Participation
A large pothole in the road outside the school was mentioned and the Clerk was instructed to liaise with Oxfordshire Highways. A question was raised about the distance between the burial plots in the Parish Council Burial Ground which a resident felt was too great. The Clerk undertook to speak with the local undertakers to establish what is correct.

Any Other Business
No matters were raised.

Date of Next Meeting
This will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting at which the Chairman and Vice Chairman will be elected or re-elected. The date is to be notified in due course.

There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked all for attending and closed the Meeting at 9.25pm