Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in Sibford Gower Endowed Primary School on Monday, 20th February 2017

Parish Cllrs Peter Abbott, Alan Parkin, Oswyn Murray (Chairman), Mrs Gilian Soden,
Four local residents and the Clerk (Peter Hardman).

Apologies were received from Cllr Susan Bannister

Minutes of the previous Meeting
Proposed by Cllr Gilian Soden  and seconded by Cllr Alan Parkin, the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on  5th December 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising
The kerb at the corner of Main Street/Pound Lane: No further progress was reported; the matter was still in the hands of Oxfordshire Highways. The Clerk was asked to chase them up.

Defibrillator. Cllr Gilian Soden reported that as members of the Response Team have the use of a defibrillator there is no need for the time being for the Parish Council to purchase one. It was agreed to return the money given by the Town Estate Charity for this purpose.

Parish Councillors’ Interests
There have been no changes of Interests during the past twelve months.

Risk Assesment
There is no change during the past twelve months.

There has been no change with regard to Assets during the past twelve months.

Chairman’s Report

Sibford Society – Elizabethan Feast: The event took place in the village hall on Thursday,16th February and was a great success. Most of the people there were dressed in Elizabethan costumes, Miss T, our local caterer, provided an authentic Elizabethan meal and entertainment was provided my two musicians playing on instruments of that time. The Clerk was instructed to write to the organisers thanking them for the enjoyment provided.

Electoral Roll: On 16th February, Cherwell District Council advised that the Electoral Roll for Sibford Gower and Burdrop had been reduced to 384 with 47 deletions having taken place. This resulted from some residents not having responded when called upon to register. Cherwell District Council is responsible for taking matters forward with recalcitrants.

The Clerk was instructed to liaise with the Ferris Parish Council with regard to placing a suitable notice in the Sibford Scene urging residents to respond when an update of the electoral roll takes place.

One Oxfordshire: Posters and leaflets had been received from Oxfordshire County Council regarding proposals to change local government in Oxfordshire with a view to having one new council for the whole of Oxfordshire and abolishing District Councils. George Reynolds, our County and District Councillor, is opposed to this, as are Cherwell and Oxford City. The Parish Council very much agrees with him in that relationship with Cherwell District Council is very good, service and advice always being provided. The meeting agreed that the Chairman should write a paper giving the considered opinion of the Parish Council, which he would circulate to Councillors, and present to the North Oxfordshire group of PCs, with a view to giving an agreed response to Cherwell and Oxfordshire County Council. It was agreed that the information so far provided by OCC and the insistence that comments had to be in within less than a month did not constitute proper consultation.

Yarn bombing: Miss Susie Wightman has sent a letter informing the Council of her intention to engage in ‘yarn bombing’ in the village as part of Arts Week: the PC wished her luck.

Planning Committee Rules and Procedures
Mr Tim Huckvale (Sibford Ferris Parish Council) has sent a copy of the Planning Committee Rules and Procedures that the Ferris Parish Council intends to use. A considerable amount of time and work went into the composition of the document which is very much appreciated. It was decided to adopt the same rules and procedures for use by Sibford Gower Parish Council, and publish them on the website.

Financial Matters
Since the previous Meeting, cheques issued are shown at Appx A. and were retrospectively approved.

Planning Matters
The Planning Committee met prior to this Parish Council Meeting. (See Appx B).

Town Estate Charity – Nomination of Trustees
It was agreed to renew the four Trustees of the Town Estate Charity appointed by Sibford Gower Parish Council with retrospective effect from 2015 (Mike Lewis, Oswyn Murray and Jean Scouse) and 2016 (Fred Inns). A procedure for filling the vacancy caused by the forthcoming resignation of Joanna Gilkes was agreed; she was thanked for her long service in this position.

Millennium Field

All is up and running. Hedges have been cut and a dog waste box has been purchased and installed. The waste box will be emptied weekly by Cherwell District Council. It was agreed to bill the Town Estate Charity for their half of the costs each winter.

The winter grit stored at the lower end of Wheathills has been moved to the top end behind the hedge to Acre Ditch. The intention now is to purchase a plastic storage bin, sited in the same position. All is with the kind permission of the Town Estate Charity.

The cleaning of road signs within the parish has been neglected by Oxfordshire Highways. The Parish Council will consider the best way forward in connection with the Spring Clean which takes place on 18th March.

Extra Verge Cutting
Knowing that verge cutting will now be undertaken by Oxfordshire Highways only once each year, the Parish Council agreed to consider engaging a contractor to cut at other times.

In the absence of Cllr Susan Bannister there was nothing particular to comment on and no matters were raised.

Date of next Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting will be on Monday, 10th April 2017 in Sibford Village Hall starting at 7.30pm

The Annual Parish Council Meeting will be on Monday, 8th May 2017 in the staff room of the Primary School starting at 8pm.



Public Participation following the formal closure of the Parish Council Meeting
Only one matter was raised and it was in respect of a hedge overhanging the road at the entry to Hawkes Lane. The Clerk was instructed to speak with the resident of the property involved to ascertain whether that resident may be able to cut back the hedge. If the resident is not in a position to do this, the Parish Council will arrange for it to be done.

Appx A

Cheques issued

Date           Chq No.    Amount     Payee                                         Purpose

08.11.16     277         100.00             Royal British Legion           Donation

26.11.16     278         673.20             Thomas Fox Landscaping   Maintenance Church Yd & Bur Gd

09.12.16     279         100.00             Sibford Ferris PC                Share of burial fee – R F Gardiner

06.01.17     280         840.00              WC & EF Lovesey & Son Maintenance – Millennium Field

23.01.17     281         299.29              Glasdon UK Ltd                  Dog Bin

25.01.17     282           23.94              Zen Internet Proforma        Zen Internet Proforma       

01.02.17     283          347.96              HMRC                                   PAYE unpaid re Clerk                       

16.02.17     284          381.57              P B Hardman                       Reimbursement of Clerk’s expenses

Appx B

Sibford Gower Parish Council

Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held in Sibford Gower Endowed Primary School at 7.30 on Monday, 20th February 2017

Parish Cllrs Peter Abbott, Oswyn Murray, Alan Parkin, Mrs Gilian Soden, and the Clerk (Peter Hardman).

Apologies were received from Cllr Susan Bannister

Planning Applications

No.16/02284/LB                 Barn Close Street Through Burdop, Burdrop                     Mrs S Downes
Window Repairs and Replacement to Existing Main House
No Comment

No. 17/00020/F     The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, Burdrop, OX15 5RQ          G R Noquet
Erection of a storage shed.
The Committee agreed to support the objections of two local residents, and the Chairman was instructed to formulate a response to Cherwell District Council.

17/00259/HPA        Muddle Barn Farm                                                 G Besterman
Single storey extension to provide swimming pool, changing room, sauna, toilet.
No planning application has been received by Sibford Gower Parish Council. The Clerk was instructed to contact Cherwell District Council to ascertain what rights of comment the Parish Council had.