Exhibition – Life in the Sibfords during WW I
100 years ago when The Armistice to end the Great War was signed:
- Diamond cutters and polishers were in Sibford
- Conscription affected Sibfords’ Cricket Club
- Two Belgian scholars were welcomed to Sibford Gower Primary School
- Carriers Cart was the only transport to Banbury from Sibford
- Free Bovril and soup were available at the Co-op in Sibford for residents of the Gower and Burdrop
- Prizes for Scripture, Sewing and Agriculture were awarded by the Town Estate Charity to Sibford Gower Primary School children
- 91 left Sibford but only 81 returned
If you would like to find out more about these interesting facts, and many more, come along to the exhibition about all aspects of village life in the Sibfords from 1914 to 1918.
Free entry to exhibition. Trench Soup Lunch 12 noon to 2pm; tickets £1 from Maureen on 780 259 or Clive on 780 475 – please book in advance.