Stevens 1895-02-15

Text, letter

Intense cold still dull. Very slight snow in afternoon. Visited Widow Joseph, John Lamb, Horsmans, J Aris, W Barnes, George Payne. Saw Joseph and Thomas Coleman in the field and gave them their coal tickets. Left Joe Payne’s with his mother as his wife was confined a day or two ago.

Mr Woolgrove called. He and Mr Hall had been over the Heath Farm to see Poulton’s mounding work etc, and said they agreed that we should pay the bill £32.14.6 knocking off 14/6 by agreement with Poulton.

Lewis Poulton called this evening and I paid him his bill of £32 in accordance with the Farm Committee’s request, as I calculated that there was sufficient in the Bank to meet it though I have not yet received Miller & Abbot’s account. He said the Horticultural Society Committee could not meet till Monday and at his request I wrote to Mr Stone leaving him to fix 3 days for the lectures on gardening, suggesting Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday March 5, 6 & 8. There is to be a Conservative meeting at the Bishop Blaise Inn tomorrow evening about Mr Wynne’s candidature for the Banbury division of Oxfordshire, as Sir B Samuelson is retiring and the jury did not come to a verdict in the divorce case of Hawtin v Hawtin and Wynne and Hawtin has no money to go on with a new trial. It is a sad case for Wynne, who, however, must be held innocent till he is proved to be guilty. Many, Poulton and the Doctor included, are strongly in favour of his continued candidature and support.