Stevens 1895-02-12

Text, letter

Fine, bright, still intensely cold. Rosa received letter from Harry saying they arrived safe at Windermere at 5 pm on Saturday. Harriet Sabin came to ask advice about Sarah who leads the poor thing a wretched life and would not let her go to bed all last night, bitter as it was.

Visited Widow Green, Anna Young, Elizabeth Manning, George Green, Thomas Hall, Anna Aris, Widow J Lamb. Daisy Sabin was there and I had a serious private talk with her. I called on her mother also, Sarah Sabin was there. I wish to speak privately to her but I could not as there was a young man there Green Hill the grocer’s of Shipston. Visited Elizabeth Bond and W Payne and John Horsman. Emanuel Dale’s wife was there. Thomas Aris no one at home.

The afternoon was pleasant, but very cold. Visited Mary Sabin who is worse.