Stevens 1896-01-30
Dull. Visited Widow Alcock; Mrs Turner, whom I found much worse, nursed by her sister Mrs Fox, and her niece, Miss Hunter. Visited School in afternoon and evening. Visited Miss Dix. Mr Chambers, curate of Shutford, called this afternoon.. New editions of “Gray’s Elegy” and “The Ancient Mariner” in “Annotated Poems of English Authors” have been called for this week.
Rev Mr Annesly having left Clifford Chambers, one of the Parrishes sharing in the “Loggin” Charity, I wrote a day or two ago to the Rector who has succeeded him. Today I received note from Rev W. A. Pippet saying he was Rector now.
Visited George Kay at Sibford Ferris. He says the Doctor tells him he has an internal “bleeding cancer”.
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