Stevens 1886-12-01
Mixed weather, rain, hail, bright sunshine and frost.
A Ruri-decanal chapter was held at the Vicarage (St Mary’s) Banbury. I did not go, as the weather was bad.
Bell and I walked to Swalcliffe this afternoon and called on Mr and Mrs Hall at the Rectory Farm. They have only recently been married.
Mr Hall who is Guardian of the Poor for Swalcliffe and one of the Rating Committee told me, in confidence, that the Committee had raised my assessment from £17.10 to £25. He had endeavoured to prevent it but unsuccessfully. I suppose that my Vicarage is worth £25 or more, if Mrs Norris’s house and Miss Dix’s are worth £25 each.
Divine Service at 7 pm. 70 or more people present.
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